How to Choose the Best Anti Aging Moisturizers?

By Diana E. Rubio

Before I tell you about the best anti aging moisturizers, let me tell you about the worst, the ones to avoid. They are common ingredients in practically every lotion on the market. They are marketed as anti-aging, when in reality it is known that they inhibit the skin's natural rejuvenation process.

You should avoid anything that contains petrolatum and other petroleum byproducts. On the label, you may see mineral oil, which is really liquid petrolatum. You might see paraffin, which is a kind of wax made from petroleum. Or, you might see liquid paraffin.

They have been used for years and sold as moisturizers, but dermatologists have been warning people about them for nearly as many years. They don't penetrate, so they cannot moisturize.

They are not compatible with the skin's own oils or sebum, so they change the pH level. Eventually, they cause excessive dryness, which often causes a person to increase the amount that they use. They reduce skin cell production, so they actually inhibit the skin's ability to repair and replace damaged fibers. It becomes a circle that leads to older looking skin.

The best anti aging moisturizers actually increase the production so skin cells. Scientists can actually measure that kind of thing.

The best anti aging moisturizers are very similar to sebum. They are plant oils like grape seed, olive and avocado. Light plant waxes should also be included to lock in moisture. Jojoba and Babassu are two very good ones.

These oils and waxes can be used by people with dry, oily or combination skin, because they are so well accepted. They help to balance sebum production. So, you don't end up with patchiness or greasiness. They work well under cosmetics and the ones designed for men are effective aftershave creams.

Most companies suggest that you use the same cream, morning and night. You actually should use something different at night, because that's when healing occurs.

One of the most important ingredients to look for in a night cream is honey. Scientists have evaluated this age-old remedy and found that it contains antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Antioxidants prevent and repair free radical damage. Antibacterial agents prevent infections that can lead to blemishes, scarring and uneven pigmentation.

Certain types are more active than others, since it all depends on what plants the pollen was gathered from. A specific type found in New Zealand is believed to be the most active. It's called manuka honey after the bush that the pollen is gathered from.

The best anti aging moisturizers contain it, because it has been shown, in scientific studies, to support the natural skin renewal process and assist in the formation of stronger collagen. That, in turn, improves the skin's elasticity or firmness. It has proven effectiveness in healing blemishes, acne, eczema and psoriasis.

Shea butter is also useful at night, but during the day, it is very heavy. It helps reduce scars and brown spots, as well as wrinkles and stretch marks.

Only the best anti aging moisturizers contain compounds like these and they may be a little difficult to find, but if you really want effectiveness, it's worth the effort. Article Source: