Anti Aging Moisturizers - Creams vs Serums

By Tiffany Washko

With the demand for anti-aging skin care products at an all time high, manufacturers are constantly evolving their methods of delivering dewy, youthful skin. Anti-aging creams are the standard - a hybrid formula based on the tried and true moisturizers.

The newer product is the serum, an over-the-counter variation on products that were initially used by aestheticians and dermatologists for advanced skin care. Now you can buy either type at prices ranging from department store to discount store levels.

Creams are soothing, rich and designed to provide the extra moisture that aging, sun exposure and environmental toxins steal from the skin over time. No longer the big generic jar on your grandmother's dresser that went on the whole body from face to toes, today's anti-aging creams are specially designed for the face and neck.

Creams also come in formulas that are suitable for dry, oily or combination skin types. Choosing a cream for your skin is extremely important. Retinal - the Vitamin A derivative - is found in creams at all price points.

Naturally the more expensive creams have a larger amount of retinal A than the lower-priced products. Aloe Vera, Vitamin E and grape seed oil are also popular additives in anti-aging cream moisturizers. Cream moisturizers for day-wear need to have a high sun protection factor (SPF), while night creams don't need this feature.

Serums are getting much attention in the anti-aging market for their claims of faster, visible results than creams can deliver. As with anti-aging creams, the key ingredients in most serums are Retinal (Vitamin A) and peptides.

It's the delivery of peptides that are rapidly absorbed into the skin that gives the notable changes. Peptides act on the collagen levels, which make the skin appear fuller and cause wrinkles to be less apparent.

Continuous use of these serums is absolutely necessary to stimulate collagen production. Erratic use of serums won't sustain visible results. Top quality serums tend to cost more than creams.

Some serums have a two-step process compared with cream that you simply apply to the face. Another claimed advantage for serums is the inclusion of an ingredient - argireline - which works on the skin much like Botox, but without the toxin.

Argireline is a safe way to relax the muscles, which smoothes out wrinkles. Serums with high concentrations of this element claim up to 25% reduction in fine line and wrinkles after 30 days of continuous use. Argireline is also said to reverse sun damage effects on skin.

The choice of creams versus serums for anti-aging skincare is largely an issue of cost and ease of use. One way to get the best of both worlds at a price savings is to use a serum for several months to achieve the desired wrinkle reduction and then switch to an anti-aging cream.

If that works well to sustain your visible skin improvements, then you have a combination skincare regimen at a lower average cost. You can add back the serums for a month several times a year to boost results.

Or, you can conduct your own comparison. Use a serum for 30 days and take a close-up photo of the results. Then switch to a cream for the next 30 days and take a photo of the skin. Compare these closely to see whether serum or cream is the best anti-aging skincare product for your skin, your budget and your daily cosmetic routine. Article Source:

How to Choose the Best Anti Aging Moisturizers?

By Diana E. Rubio

Before I tell you about the best anti aging moisturizers, let me tell you about the worst, the ones to avoid. They are common ingredients in practically every lotion on the market. They are marketed as anti-aging, when in reality it is known that they inhibit the skin's natural rejuvenation process.

You should avoid anything that contains petrolatum and other petroleum byproducts. On the label, you may see mineral oil, which is really liquid petrolatum. You might see paraffin, which is a kind of wax made from petroleum. Or, you might see liquid paraffin.

They have been used for years and sold as moisturizers, but dermatologists have been warning people about them for nearly as many years. They don't penetrate, so they cannot moisturize.

They are not compatible with the skin's own oils or sebum, so they change the pH level. Eventually, they cause excessive dryness, which often causes a person to increase the amount that they use. They reduce skin cell production, so they actually inhibit the skin's ability to repair and replace damaged fibers. It becomes a circle that leads to older looking skin.

The best anti aging moisturizers actually increase the production so skin cells. Scientists can actually measure that kind of thing.

The best anti aging moisturizers are very similar to sebum. They are plant oils like grape seed, olive and avocado. Light plant waxes should also be included to lock in moisture. Jojoba and Babassu are two very good ones.

These oils and waxes can be used by people with dry, oily or combination skin, because they are so well accepted. They help to balance sebum production. So, you don't end up with patchiness or greasiness. They work well under cosmetics and the ones designed for men are effective aftershave creams.

Most companies suggest that you use the same cream, morning and night. You actually should use something different at night, because that's when healing occurs.

One of the most important ingredients to look for in a night cream is honey. Scientists have evaluated this age-old remedy and found that it contains antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Antioxidants prevent and repair free radical damage. Antibacterial agents prevent infections that can lead to blemishes, scarring and uneven pigmentation.

Certain types are more active than others, since it all depends on what plants the pollen was gathered from. A specific type found in New Zealand is believed to be the most active. It's called manuka honey after the bush that the pollen is gathered from.

The best anti aging moisturizers contain it, because it has been shown, in scientific studies, to support the natural skin renewal process and assist in the formation of stronger collagen. That, in turn, improves the skin's elasticity or firmness. It has proven effectiveness in healing blemishes, acne, eczema and psoriasis.

Shea butter is also useful at night, but during the day, it is very heavy. It helps reduce scars and brown spots, as well as wrinkles and stretch marks.

Only the best anti aging moisturizers contain compounds like these and they may be a little difficult to find, but if you really want effectiveness, it's worth the effort. Article Source:

Anti Aging Moisturizers

By Rebecca Skmith

Most people have a tendency of skipping out on the moisturization stage in the skin care. They forget that this step is an important one in making sure you have sustained, healthy and more comforting anti-aging results. As the years progress the skin starts to become less hydrated by nature and it is during this period in time when we need a daily moisture therapy. Choosing the right anti-aging moisturizer is really a difficult work to undertake since there are several products out there. Some of these products are cheap, inexpensive, whereas there are others which are natural with quite some few being high tech products. Choosing a product that will work well on your skin can be frustrating and confusing whereby some people may end up picking a product that will not bring out the results as they expected.

Moisturizers are different in contents, and so it is important that you don't just go and pick on a product that catches your eyes on the shelves if you are really serious in getting the results you have long dreamt of. The following are some of the anti aging moisturizers that are trusted in the market by majority of consumers.

Philosophy hope in a bottle

This product has never had any negative feedback from the users meaning it is working as required. It is one of the successful anti-aging treatments that have received numerous acclamations from across the world.

La Roche Hydraphase

The only shortfall of this product is that of lacking availability to some in less popular countries. This is a non-oily solution which is praised by majority of people who have used it. This product works to actively restore hydration in your skin that has become some what prematurely aged or damaged as a result of environmental or personal causes. This is however the best bet for those of us with premature age wrinkles or those with damaged or dehydrated skin.

Skinceuticals Hydratingb5 gel

This product has a downfall of that being a bit expensive as compared to other anti-aging products. It provides the alternative to those people who want to moisture their skin but have oily skin. It works to quickly hydrate the skin leaving it feeling soft, oily, supple and moist. This product has very promising results with ingredients that have been proven to be working.

Olay Complete all Day Moisture Lotion

It is one of those products that are convenient to find and is praised by most consumers who have tried out on this product. This product is meant for those people who are under a tight budget since it is a cost effective anti-aging treatment.

Neutrogena Intensified Day Moisture

This is another product for those people that just want to increase the health of their already stable skin without spending much on it. This product is one of the most cost effective of all the moisturizer products available anywhere in the world. The good thing about this product is the ability to moisturize the skin all day long. Article Source: